Produced by Spydee for Funkbox 2013. Contains sample from "Love Jones" Performed by Brighter Side Of Darkness.
Spydee - Love Jones
Produced by Spydee for Funkbox 2013. Contains sample from "Love Jones" Performed by Brighter Side Of Darkness.
Funkbox NYE Party
We're serving you hip-hop, soul, funk and boogie beats to dance to. So celebrate your NYE with us, the FLYK clique!
Street Dealin 5
21 Desember 2013
15 00 – 22 00 WIB
Jl Rc Veteran Raya No 13
G.H. ROPIAH/route 66
Tanah Kusir - Jakarta selatan
Street Dealin hadir lagi. Bazaar street art tahunan Gardu House ini bakal kembali digelar untuk ke 5 kalinya di Gardu House, tanggal 21 desember 2013. Maka bersiaplah kalian berburu artwork,merchandise,apparel dan aksesoris dari street artis dan clothingline lokal kesayangan dibulan Ramadhan. Di Street Dealin5 kali ini bakal ada limited merch, giveaway Jadi pastikan bawa uang ekstra, teman dan hadir lebih awal biar gak keabisan. See you there guys!
DSK (Surabaya)
KATUN (Malaisia)
PINO (Surabaya)
Yacko | Begundal Clan | Sattle | Streetainer | Angkatan Udara
BAZAAR & GARAGE SALE (Merchandise, artwork, etc)
Garduhouse | Dripsndrops | FLYK | MDFK | DSKL | TOTY | Darbotz | Penny | Wagadiwa | Wall Trips and Dirty Hands | Flame | VSOA | Hey Hello | Tembokbomber | Esnyotigo | SYMA | Snapgoback | Honesty ID | Streetsandwich
Garduhouse | Penny | Flash COM | Carburator Springs | Squad Store | Dripsndrops | Anonymouse Store | Tagking Store
Visual Jalanan
Tastemarket: Entrance Gate
The gate was designed by Gita Saraswatie. She also did the cool installations. Me and Shake just added our pieces at the sides. Thanks to the nice people at Tastemarket!
Taste Market
6-8 December 2013
at Paris Van Java Rooftop
Live Painting
Friday: Addy Debil (6pm)
Saturday: Elmondo (4pm), Diela Maharanie (6:30pm),
Sunday: Astronautboys (4pm)
Art Exhibition*
ADD17, Addy Debil, Aditya Pratama, Ario Anindito, Astronautboys, Diela Maharanie, Elmondo, Katherine Karnadi, KOMA (INDO), Lykerex, Mufti Priyanka, Novia Achmadi, Ranny Bocil, Rukmunal Hakim, Stereoflow
Sometimes we are unaware that our surroundings have a great influence in our lives. It can be the people around us such as friends or the music that we listen to, or simply the things that we browse on our computer. As things happen in front of our eyes, we judge those things and have certain feelings towards them. We choose what to accept and reject. It creates taste. For example, we often see a group of friends dress alike. It's simply because they influence one another and have similar taste. That is why similarity is often seen.
Although artists, illustrators and designers have different jobs, they all create visual works. And when searching for ideas and inspiration, it all comes to their taste. The selected visual artists that will be showing their works at Taste Market are also based on my personal taste.
*The art exhibition will be an exhibition of art prints.
Khlong San Vice Squad
Pop up art show curated by The SRK at The Free Creative Project. Starts 16th Nov until 14th Dec 2013. So do come by if you are in the area. Big ups to The SRK team for selling my work there!
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